Pumpkin Cake at Dim Sum Go Go – Dim Sum – Chinatown
This is the entire point of eating at Dim Sum Go Go, a sleek little dim sum joint on the edge of Chinatown that won’t make your head spin with gaudy gold decorations like the famed Jing Fong:

It’s listed on the menu as “pumpkin cake“, and I didn’t even bother trying to get more information about it from the waiter before I ordered. If it’s pumpkin-flavored, I’m there.
It’s pretty clearly not cake, though. It’s more like a firm custard with a little bit of gelatin thrown in, thick enough that you can slice it but wiggly enough that it’ll fall onto your neighbor’s lap if you get distracted while forking it toward your mouth. It’s the lighter version of pumpkin pie, perfect for summer. And it’s savory enough to eat with your pork buns but sweet enough that you can save a hunk for your dessert.

Aside from the pumpkin cake (and turnip cake!) and pork buns, we didn’t think much else on the menu was worth the trip, and here are some half-happy photos of my friends to prove it:

Steve’s smiling weird here.
I’ve never seen Ash look this angry before.
This is actually pretty normal for Tim.
Dinner wasn’t nearly as boring as this would have you think, thanks to pumpkin cake.
(my friends’–so order what I did and nothing else, evidently)
5 East Broadway
New York, NY 10038 (map)
WOW. I didn’t realize I was so unhappy with the dimsum.
I think you were more unhappy that you weren’t getting any of my PUMPKIN CAKE. Speaking of which, we still have to plan this month’s dinner club with your pick!
Bachelor Girl
I, too, will eat, drink, bathe in and otherwise rub my body all over anything that contains pumpkin.
But seriously, come to Ohio at the end of October, and Tracey and I will take you to the Circleville Pumpkin Show. She even has a spare bedroom designated as Katie’s Room that I would let you stay in at her house. It doesn’t actually have a bed or anything in it yet, and she might not want me just offering it up like that, but we’re all friends here, right? Right!