Cupcake Crew Has What Might Be the Best Cupcake in NYC
While out trying to find a decent banh mi the other day, I happened to spot a food truck I’d never seen downtown: Cupcake Crew. Black with a giant pink cupcake on one side, I knew it was going to be my kind of truck.
The menu was small–six cupcake flavors–but that’s great for someone like me who can’t make decisions. I’m usually a vanilla cake/vanilla icing kind of girl, but the cream cheese icing on the red velvet was calling to me with its perfect dollopness and its tiny sugar sprinkles.

It was a really good cupcake. The cake was the right amount of moist, and although my first impression had been that there wasn’t a good icing to cake ratio just because a little of the cake was visible on top, it turned out that the extra-sweet cream cheese was rich enough to satisfy even a sugar freak like me.
I did admittedly miss the filling you see in other popular cupcakes about town, but I got the feeling this was supposed to be the kind of cupcake your mama used to make and bring to your first grade classroom on your birthday.

But the Graceland was the real treat. I wasn’t even supposed to have it, actually; when I mentioned it was my first time at the truck, the friendly Brooklynite manning the counter offered me one of their mini cupcakes (normally $1.25) in another flavor to sample. If I’d had time to think about it, I probably wouldn’t have even chosen the Graceland then, because banana isn’t one of my favourite flavors.
It turns out, though, that this is one of the best cupcakes I’ve ever had. The peanut butter frosting was INSANE in the way only peanut butter mixed with more sugar can be. The chewy chunk of bacon on top added so much depth of flavor with its smoky finish. And even the banana cake was something I’d be happy to eat on its own! (It helped that there were little chunks of bacon mixed in.) I’d be really hard-pressed to think of a cupcake I’d rather eat than this one.
I’m really excited now to try some of their other featured flavors.
(five stars for the Graceland, and three for the red velvet)
Check @cupcakecrewnyc
on Twitter for locations
Heesa Phadie
Only thing to say is….DIZZZAMN that looks and sounds awesome. Needs a glass of milk though.
Cupcake Crew
Thanks for the nice words and write up! Email us to tell us about the Red Velvet rating!
We love our customers!
Now I’m feeling like we should make decorate cupcakes while you’re here next week.
Unless, of course, you were thinking of eating well. In which case I will be very disappointed.
Sorry for the delay babe – would have commented on the spot. but have been sleeping all afternoon. Remember that scene in Goonies, where Chunk describes the puking chain reaction at the movie theater? Georgia was up at 2 am reenacting that.. I spent the day fending off what she had.
TMI? No way.
Anyway – I am glad you had these cupcakes b/c they are bringing me back to the land of the living, even just via photos. I made Maddie’s class red velvet w/ cream cheese frosting on Monday for the big 1-1 bday. I am glad there’s a bakery truck sticking to the classics.
PS: The Graceland looks DREAMY (all caps)
XO (but no juicy kisses. you need to be well when Kamran gets home)
for some reason, i’ve never been enticed to try the cupcake crew until now. that thick peanut butter icing is a beauty!