Three Michelin Stars for EMP and Brooklyn Fare
According to The New York Times, my good friends at Eleven Madison Park are about to get themselves three Michelin stars, up from one in last year’s guide.
This means NYC is about to have seven restaurants with three Michelin stars:
Chef’s Table at Brooklyn Fare
Eleven Madison Park
Jean Georges
Le Bernardin
Per Se
Crazy, right? What a wonderful time to live here. Although that means the Brooklyn Fare reservation my boyfriend and I failed to get when we tried once earlier this year is going to be even harder to come by now.

If you’re interested in my take on the 3-star restaurants we’ve visited, here are my much-photoed reviews of each:
• Eleven Madison Park: our first, not-bad-but-not-amazing visit
• Eleven Madison Park: our second, mind-blowing visit
• Per Se: so long-awaited it couldn’t have been anything but incredible (and we’re going back this weekend!)
• Daniel: changed the way I thought about fine dining forever
• Jean Georges: so so-so that I never even bothered to write about it (but would love to hear why other people love it so)
Mrs. Bachelor Girl
You are so lucky, Katie Ett.
Feel free to send me a doggy bag any time.
Did you ever see the episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” where the chef refuses to send home a doggy bag with Larry and his friends because he doesn’t want his food fed to their dog? I know you’re going to end up giving Chihuahua my fine foods!
Jed Bear
This is going to sound really random and pointless, but I just wanted to say I love your reviews (been to Daniel & JG, hopefully EMP or if I’m really lucky Per Se next year) and Curb is one of my favourite shows.
There’s never anything random and pointless about a compliment! Where’s YOUR food blog?
Jed Bear
Haha well thank you! I’m sad to say but I don’t have a blog :( largely fur to the fact I have been to as many *good* restaurants as you have. Btw have you heard of L’Espalier in Boston? It was on par with my 3 Michelin experiences.
your pictures look GREAT!!! did u get a new cam????? mmm and i’ve been DYING to go to brooklyn fare as well!
Ooooooh, thank you!! I did get my first DSLR recently. It’s so cool that you can tell the difference.
Do you know anyone who’s been to Brooklyn Fare? I know the place is booming, but it seems like no one’s actually gotten in!
I’ve been to all the three star restaurants except Masa, and twice to Chef’s Table at Brooklyn Fare. Chef’s Table was by far my favorite, so would highly recommend you keep trying to get a reservation (and would love to read your take on it!). Sadly, though, they don’t allow you to take pictures of or take notes on the food.
I love reading the stories of how the chef will literally come to your seat and yell at you if it appears that you’re trying to take notes. At least Momofuku Ko allows that! We’re definitely set on going to Brooklyn Fare sometime, though, so I’m glad to hear you think it’s worth the hassle.