i am a country bumpkin

Rub Your Nose on Me and Give Me Your Flu

On one hand, I hope the bacon craze stays alive and kickin’ for years to come. From thick slices in my salads to tiny chunks in my candy bars to the bacon t-shirt, what used to be regarded as fodder for only fatties is now everyone’s favourite food.

Thanks to the recent issue of New York magazine with a cover story about the swine flu that contained this photo

pigs have been on my mind a lot lately. I was raised on a farm full of them, grew up watching my dad castrate them, and took them to the county fair every year with my 4-H club. My boyfriend argues that they’re not cute, but they have the same sort of power over me that puppies and bunnies have over most other people. Their pink skin that sunburns just like ours does . . . the way they smell like babies after you wash them . . . their squeals and snorts . . . it’s all too much for me.

So you can imagine how delighted I am that my boyfriend linked me today to the MSNBC article about teacup pigs, which includes a video, Zimbio has a teacup wikizine that includes this photo

the NY Daily News had this article just today, and a co-worker randomly sent me this photo of Monster Pig (or Hogzilla, which I prefer) a couple of hours ago.

It just warms my little piggie-lovin’ heart. I’m still having bacon for dinner, though.