a taste for tv

It’s Okay to Like Organ Meats a LITTLE

I once complained about the smarmy boys next to me at dinner who claimed they looooooooved organ meats, thinking they were being disingenuous.

But you know what’s worse? People who are totally resistant to them. This scene from “The Millionaire Matchmaker” made me laaaaaaugh. And also cry.



  • Ells

    I think maybe I find her face more offensive than her aversion to duck liver.

    Although, personally, I keep trying to like liver. And I keep thinking it TASTES like something that filters pee. And I don’t like that taste.

    • plumpdumpling

      Dude, yeah. In the scene before, the guy was talking about how perfect her “little body” was as she sat boobless in a bikini in his hot tub. Pretty sure he hadn’t looked at her face at that point.

      Did you watch “Top Chef Masters” this week? Graham Elliot Bowles basically said the exact same thing about liver. I just don’t get it! It tastes buttery and rich to me. Of course, I’m eating it in the form of foie gras and not kidney pie.

  • Mera

    I hate to be an uptight commenter, but it’s the kidneys that filter your pee. The liver does a bunch of other stuff, but no pee is involved. Only deliciousness.

    • plumpdumpling

      Hey, nothing uptight about that. I think a lot of people have mindblocks when it comes to organ meats–and it’s not like I can really blame them since I still have some lingering fish issues from a lifetime of not being familiar with seafood at all–but man, once you have a good liver, I agree with you: only deliciousness.