food porn

Scarfing Down a Triple Double Down

Welcome to my entirely-KFC-Double-Down-related blog!

No, I’m kidding, but my friend Mike sent me this video of him eating three Double Downs stacked on top of one another, and how could I not share it?

The worst part for me isn’t, as you might expect, the way the chicken parts sort of slop around on top of each other and threaten to shoot that middle Double Down across the room at high speeds to be eaten by their pet bunny. No, it’s the way the second grilled Double Down pulls away from the wrapper, leaving behind all of this glorious Wrapper Cheese, and then he just wads up the paper and tosses it aside. Painful to watch.

I’m in full Double Down crave mode right now. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CLOSE DOWN, KFC NEAR MY OFFICE?!


    • plumpdumpling

      Good question. We’re Twitter friends, so hopefully he’s seen all of my pimping and clicked.

      The funniest is when my boyfriend sends me links to your site because he’s always on Digg and doesn’t realize I’ve already seen it all.

    • Smail

      I hadn’t, but I have now. Liking those food posts! About a month ago, I was at a Beau Jo’s in Denver. The folks I was with weren’t the challenge sort, and, after eating there, I doubt I could eat more than about 5 pounds of their pizza. Huge and super filling stuff.

  • Travis

    I was sort of bummed at first because people started doing ridiculous shit with the Double Down just to get a mention on the Twitter. I watched this, however, and was pretty impressed. When the hour is appropriate, I will retweet that video.

    Get your coupons yet, Katie?

    • plumpdumpling

      The problem is that the Double Down just begs to have ridiculous shit done with it. Of COURSE you’re going to use doughnuts as bread for it. I almost cried yesterday when I saw you tweet about its supposed limited time availability, incidentally.

      (I haven’t been home to check for my coupons yet, but I trust that my roommate has stolen them by now. I’m happy to share the love.)

      • Travis

        Apparently it’s only available until the 23rd. Ironically, I’ve never had one but most people who have seem to love it. I start a full-time job on the 24th, so the timing couldn’t be better for this thing to be dead. I will, however, continue to occasionally update @fishsnacker and @bonelessfilet should I get the itch to be a KFC menu item.