Eating My Weight in Fryer Grease
I flew home to Ohio last night for a week of the
Which some people like to refer to as the “Circleville Pumpkin Festival” or the “Circleville Pumpkin Fair” or the “Podunk Hillbilly Gourd Celebration“.
But they are wrong. It’s a show if I’ve ever seen one.
While there, I plan to

(And more.)
Heesa Phadie
One word…jealous.
You better get this again:
I did!
It was creepily savory-tasting, like they thought the chocolate on the outside would provide enough sweetness for a normal person. BUT I AM NOT NORMAL.
My sister-in-law is from Ohio and tries to make the yearly trip back for the Pumpkin Fest from L.A. I always wondered why. Now I know.
The beacon of deep-fried foodstuffs can be seen from thousands of miles away. Hope she got to try the pumpkin blossoms this year! They were the talk of the town.
Nah, this year she had her own little pumpkin and couldn’t go. She went to a pumpkin patch in Temecula, CA instead. Not quite the same thing. Check out what was listed as the biggest pumpkin they grew. I keep thinking of that long spiral potato chip nacho thingie. Holy moly. Were the pumpkin blossoms stuffed and fried?
The Circleville Pumpkin Show eh? believe it or not, my co-blogger and I went to school nearby. I’ve even been there myself, and like you, proceeded to eat my weight in fried food. It’s really a small world, I haven’t been back in the area in a few years but always make time for Jeni’s Ice Cream and lunch at Katzinger’s.
No way! I’m a Teays Valley kid myself, but there were no Asian kids there as far as I can remember, so you must have gone to one of the more diverse schools. If there’s such a thing in smalltown Ohio.
I crave Jeni’s hardcore and tweeted about it once, and they sent me a list of NYC stores that sell it. The only ones I can remember now are Brooklyn Fare and Dean & Deluca, but that should help you get your fix.
College actually…But I learned a great deal in those four years, especially spotting 4×4’s with gun racks, mullet spotting at Easton and living squarely in the bible belt. Needless to say it’s good to be back on the east coast.
As for Jeni’s, I usually just order a six pack once or twice a year which, unfortunately, doesn’t last me nearly as long as it should. After all these years, still my favorite ice cream.