recipes . . . FOR DISASTER
Egg Fast Low-Carb Ice Cream Recipe
A couple of months ago, I read about the egg fast on the low-carb blog I Breathe I’m Hungry and decided to try it for myself. I had the same amazing results she did during the five days I did the fast, and since then, I’ve been using an egg-heavy diet as a great way to get the weight back off after a weekend of eating towers of tea sandwiches and scones with my ladyfriends or reviewing pizza for my column. I love the taste of eggs and think they’re basically the perfect health food, so finding the I Breathe I’m Hungry low-carb egg fast ice cream was so exciting…
Brownie Batter: Decadent, Shameful
On my last night of Christmas vacation in Ohio, my best friend, Tracey, and I invited my cousin Bethany and our friend Michelle over to her house for cards, videogames, boytalk, and other things girls in Ohio do. Tracey and I decided to make brownies for the occasion, and by that I mean we poured a box mix into a big bowl and added an egg. Tracey kind of hinted that she wasn’t entirely interested in actually cooking the brownies, because like cookie dough and oysters, brownie batter is best eaten raw. I said, “Well, maybe we can separate half the batter and only cook a small batch.” And she…
The Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwich
In honor of the opening of Pop-Tarts World–mass market pastry retail heaven for those of us who were under the impression that only four or five flavors of Pop-Tarts existed–in Times Square this month, my officemates and I decided to make the mythical Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwich. Thanks to Fresh Direct, we had the followed delivered to our office last Friday morning: • Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts • Frosted Strawberry with Sprinkles Pop-Tarts • Edy’s Grand Vanilla Bean ice cream • Edy’s Grand Chocolate ice cream • Edy’s Cookies ‘N Cream ice cream • Edy’s Grand Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream • Edy’s Slow-Churned French Silk ice cream…
Recipe: Low-Carb Hostess Chocolate Cupcakes
I was in Ohio last weekend and spent much of it with my best friend, who–like me–finds lots of excuses to “cheat” on her low-carb diet. Meaning that whenever I’m in town, we go crazy and eat whatever we want, which is everything from Dairy Queen to Pizza Hut to McDonald’s with a couple of local joints thrown in as long as they’re all as unhealthy as possible. We’ve said 100 times in the past year that we’d love to try “being good” one time when I come home for a visit, but this time we actually meant it. As luck would have it, the lovely Maria Emmerich posted a…
Office S’Mores
Fun things to do after hours at the office when you’re hungry: 1) Grab two space heaters and place them on the floor, facing one another. 2) Find a random metal rod on a nearby desk that may or may not be used to itch someone’s butt. 3) Procure leftover ghost-shaped Halloween marshmallows from the candy bowl at the reception desk. (Note that though marshmallows are orange and brown and may appear to be flavored, they are, in fact, just like white marshmallows.) 4) Stab the leftover ghost-shaped Halloween marshmallows with the random metal rod. 5) Hold the marshmallows between the opposing heaters for ten minutes. 6) Grow anxious and…